Go Rumpl

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At this point every family member owns a Rumpl (best gift ever). Saying we are obsessed is putting it mildly. The down puffy might be the best blanket we’ve ever owned. It goes everywhere we go, camping, biking, hot springing, surfing, skating, skiing…everywhere. The down puffy is lightweight, packable and uber warm. Wrapped up on the couch, in a hammock or around the campfire this blanket has proved its durability. As summer fades into fall, you’re going to want to make sure you’re wrapped up in a Rumpl!


Photo Credit: Cy Whitling 

This Week.






-first time at the Oakley Skatepark

-driving through Peoa, UT

-fully fried fish at El Chubasco in Park City

-fishing for the first time this summer with Sara on the Middle Provo

Check out Sara’s website Girls Elevated for upcoming events in Utah.